Tuesday, 6 December 2011

50 Lessons i wish i learnt earlier

  1. You’re stronger than you think you are.
  2. Mistakes teach you important lessons.  Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to your goal.
  3. There is nothing to hold you back except you.
  4. You can press forward long after you can’t.  It’s a matter of wanting it bad enough.
  5. No matter how much progress you make there will always be the people who insist that whatever you’re trying to do is impossible.
  6. You are limited only by your own imagination. Let it fly.
  7. Perception is reality.
  8. Your instincts can be trusted.
  9. There is only one question to ask yourself: “What would you do if you were not afraid?
  10. It’s often hard to tell just how close you are to success.
When i found this page dedicated to inspirational messages it reminded me of times when i was younger and i would go over to my nans house if i needed some advice. She would always know the right things to say and would always no matter what make me feel that i could do anything if i truly wanted it bad enough. Shes always pushed me to be the best that i can be and has always had faith in me. My nan use to always write on pieces of paper quotes she would hear or anything she liked, also ripping things from magazines or news papers.

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