Tuesday 15 May 2012

Unlucky 13 Aztec Lucky

Etchings of Aztec patterns with 13 spikes, to them 13 wasn't seen as an unlucky number, but that of a very spiritual number.

Abused- SShark Finn Soup

For this project we wanted to highlight the horrific killing of sharks for shark finn soup around the world. Shark finn itself doesn't have any flavour to it and is just used in soup for its texture, the flavour comes from the soup itself. Here we arranged a dinner table with 5 different soups we made up from other endangered species. We only laid out one chair at shark finn soup, saying if you wouldn't eat that, why would you eat this.

FMP Outdoor

FMP looking into the amount of germs people bring into their homes on the bottom of there shoes. We used spray mount to form the text. We wanted to highlight the fact you wouldn't know how much bacteria and dirt you're bringing into your home until over time the message gradually appeared. As when you walked over the spray mount, the dirt would attach to it and be left behind. 

Vimeo.com/FrancescaMERCEDESlippa    see Vimeo for stop motion

Ax- Destructive Zine

ax. The Royals is a destructive zine, that you have to tear through pages to reveal what's on the next.


Bijtend, Dutch word for corrosive storyboard.
Stop motion.

In The Dark

Transition from day to night in one image, taken of Houses of Parliament.